Sunday, May 4, 2008

Just Rosey - Day 65

Today was a perfect spring day to take a Sunday road trip to my dad's home on Grand Lake which is about an hour and a half Northeast of Tulsa. My father retired and moved there about 15 years ago and he has been loving the laid back lifestyle there ever since. I've mentioned in earlier blogs that among many things, my dad is an organic gardener. He has always has the most incredible gardens and has the greenest thumb I've ever seen. When my mother was still alive, she was a perfect compliment to him because she was a Master Gardener. I grew up surrounded with nature at it's most beautiful. It's funny how I really took it for granted when I was a child. I didn't think much about the fact that we always had a perfectly manicured lawn, pristinely trimmed shrubbery and a bounteous half acre of fresh produce all summer long. Now I miss it all, especially the little orchard with fruit trees and the several long rows of vines from which the juiciest and sweetest purple grapes hung. But when I go visit Dad now, I am reminded of those days again as we walk around his property and he shows me the details of whats going on in his yard right now.

The above photo is of one of his favorite rose varieties. Isn't that color amazing? I wish Blogger had a scratch and sniff feature because this was one of the most fragrant buds ever. I was really hoping to post a picture of a heaping basket full of boysenberries and blackberries, but alas....they weren't quite ready. It's been cooler than usual, so in a week or two, I'll go back and do some serious picking! My dad's wife showed me that she has planted an elderberry vine. I have never had the pleasure of tasting an elderberry, have you? She says they are succulent and make great pies. If that's true they would probably juice up like a champ too! I'll be eager to try them when they're ready. We didn't leave empty handed today though. Dad made some big, sturdy round wire cages to go around my tomato plants. His are so much better than the little cages you can buy at the local garden center. Not only will these cages act as a trellis for the tomato vines, but they will also keep the dog's snouts from rooting around in my nice soil. Thanks Dad! I love you!!

Because of my traveling, I drank mainly fruit juice all day and I noticed that by this evening I was coming unglued with cravings. This is odd for me, but I chalked it up to not having enough greens in my drinks today. Sure enough, once I had a quart of green vegetable juice down the shoot, I was perfectly calmed and satisfied. It's really amazing how I can tell when it's time for my greens.

Sunday's Daily Juice:
1 qt. pineapple & cilantro
1 qt. blood orange juice
1 qt. grapefruit juice
1 qt. celery, young pea shoots, mizuna, radishes, sweet baby peppers, carrots, green onion, garlic, lime, tomato & sea salt.


  1. Sounds like a lovely day. I have never tried those berries either. I will be interested to hear all about them in a couple of weeks.


  2. This just makes me want to visit an organic market and start planting my own stuff!

  3. Hi Penni! I have just started juicing and I am amazed at how much time it takes to juice just 12-16 oz! I have an all new admiration for you amazing juice feasters! I put your Dad's rose as the desktop background here at work today, thank you for sharing! Love you lots! (Day 2 of my Fred P's 10day cleanse here...) :-)
    Joanna/ RawTn

  4. Your dad is so awesome!

    I found your fruit juice observation quite interesting. i think you are definitely on to something.

    Is it too late to start a spring garden?

  5. Hi Penni
    I'm so glad you still have your Dad with you. It warms my heart just to think of you walking through the garden with him.

    You really get around, girl! EVERY raw food/juicing site I have been to it seems like I see your friendly posts!

    Did you see my post that was an answer to your question about how I am doing the juicing? Would it be better to email you directly?


  6. You have such a great Daddy!! :-) It sounds like a lovely yard and garden that is grown with lots of love.

    I've had elderberry when I was a young girl. A friend from the city visited me once and we covered our skin with the beautiful color--head to toe! When we arrived back at the house my mother was angry. She was worried about the girl's mother being upset. I can't remember what happened after that--I just remember it was warm and smelled great, but most of all LOOKED great on our bare skin! lol

    I dare you to try it yourself when they start growing--head to toe, Penni! ;-)

    Lots of love to you,


  7. hi Penni, sounds like you've had a lovely day.
    we had an enormous old elder tree in the garden when i was young. a neighbour would make elderflower cordial in the spring and then elderberry wine in the autumn. they're really traditional over in this part of the world and very pretty trees when they flower. enjoy the berries when they come :) xxx

  8. Girlfriend, I am so glad the Blogger does NOT have a scratch and sniff feature. Do you know how much nasty stuff I have seen on Blogger? Uh. I shudder to think about it.

    But I'd love to smell the roses. If I'm ever your way, I want a personal walk through the rose garden, darling!

  9. That rose is perfect. Simply beautiful and I'm sure its fragrance is amazing.

    Sounds like a great day.
