Saturday, May 3, 2008

Market Fresh - Day 64

I woke up early for a Saturday, in hopes of scoring big at my local Cherry Street Farmer's Market. My CSA membership is with Emily & Mike of Three Springs Farm .....the best sustainable, organic farm in this area. Lesson learned today - the early bird really does get the worm. The Cherry Street Market opens at 7 am, but being a bit delinquent in arriving at 8 am, Emily and Mike had already sold out of their succulent young spinach, arugula and sweet turnips. However, it wasn't a complete disappointment since I picked up a couple of bunches of radishes, mizuna, long stemmed garlic, green onions and pea shoots.
Happily, my other vendor stops brought a beautiful bounty of spinach, asparagus, romaine and assorted prepared foods; salsa, hummus, tapenade and fresh corn relish, for the family.

Next subject......
Most of my tight chums already know about Bunny Berry, but in case you've missed the hoopla surrounding this raw food diva, please go check a righteous sister out! My raw food talent scout radar is off the charts for this South Carolina artsy babe. Big props to my dear friend, Angela of One Raw Mom for giving me the hook up to Beth Berry's benevolently behavin' 100 day raw challenge blog! Go send her some love, won't you?

Another ADD subject change....I project that tomorrow will be a magnificent day....Gordon & I are driving up to my father's organic garden, near Grand Lake. Dad says the blackberries and boysenberries are crescendoing right now. Among other things, I am taking my digital camera. Can't wait...hope to have amazing pics for you tomorrow.......

Saturday's Daily Juice:
1.5 qt strawberry, pink orange, goji berry, & spirulina
1 qt. cucumber, spinach, carrot, celery, beet, lemon
1.5 qt. Farmer's Market Blend...Mizuna, radish, green onion, spinach, garlic, celery, red bell pepper, carrot, tomatoes, lime, sea salt.


  1. wow. what i would do for a CSA set-up here in the UK. we have farmer's markets, which are a real treat, but they're way over-priced. catering for the eco-friendly-with-money brigade, which is a bit of a sore point here. plus, being car-free makes it tricky to cart the stuff home (the downside of trying to be green!)
    roll on july when the loulou allotment should be bursting with carrots, tomatoes, lettuces, onions, peas, beans, greens and other yumminess!
    enjoy your day with your dad xxx

  2. You were still able to get so much at the farmer's market!! Sweet! Ours don't open until the middle of the month. I'm looking forward to it!

    I love, love, LOVE Bunny!!! She makes me smile, laugh, and want to reach out and hug her. I told my husband that I don't doubt one day Bunny will one day be a mover and shaker in the world of raw foods. It seems you are thinking something similar!

    I'm looking forward to seeing all of the berries from your Daddy's garden!! I wish I could come and taste them, too! ;-)

    Lots of love to you, Penni!


  3. We got up early to go to the first Bartlesville Farmer Market of the year. There was someone selling cinnamon rolls, and 2 ladies who betwen them had about 6 oz of very wilted lettuce and a bucket of a few green onions. My friend and I showed up with our cute fabric totes and ready to buy everything in sight. I was so sad. (but it is early in the season) Next time we are heading to Tulsa!!

  4. I love reading your blog. I am not Juice Feasting right now, but I am going to join at the end... and I will definitely be checking on some of your savory juices. I am so excited!

    I've been reading your blog since the beginning, but I don't think I've ever left a comment. So time to come out of the woodwork and confess to my blog creeping! Hahaha.

  5. Penni-
    That Bruschetta juice is off the hook! I'm drinking some right now. Yummmy!

    Bunny is hilarious. I started her blog from the beginning and I've been watching her all morning. She is so cute. She's a raw food diva for sure!

    Have fun in the berry patch. Can't wait to see some pics.

    Pixy Lisa

  6. Thank you for this amazing blog! I am enjoying it so much. I really appreciate all the information and links you include as well.
    I just started a juice feast, too! I'm on day 9, and am blogging about it at, if you feel like stopping by.
    Thanks again!
    Melissa Sokulski
