So I have busted out of the juice wing at the raw rehab clinic and am now just enjoying the freedoms of a bit of assisted living. I have my favorite jalapeno corn chips fresh out of the dehydrator and am planning to make some lemon macaroons for the family in a bit. Fortunately for me, a couple of weeks on liquids does rekindle a fresh creativity for spending time on recipes in the kitchen. I'm eager to see what I might be able to come up with this week while we have a forecast for very cold temperatures and possibly even a bit of snow. Perhaps it's a good time to revisit raw chili night, continuing to tweak and fine tune the existing recipe. Or maybe a warmed raw lasagna would be another hit....I've been wanting to try Matt Amsden's recipe out of Rawvolution for some time.
Do any of you have a favorite recipe that you like to prepare when the weather outside get's really cold? I'm certain that I'm not the only one who'd love some thought starters, so will you consider posting in the comments what you love to eat on a cold winter's night? Pretty please ;- )
Also....a very big thank you to Dhrumil for taking time out of his very busy schedule to help solve my Disqus confusion. Thanks for your expertise, friend....you're the best!!