The day after Christmas has been a really positive day. Around 20 raw foodies and I met up at our local Whole Foods to hang out, drink juice or have a salad and share stories about diet, life and what's coming up in 2009. We had a number of first time attendees and a couple of groovy cool out-of-towners who had made connection via the internet: Stephen from Seattle and Alissa from Minneapolis were in town visiting family for the holidays. It was an honor to have them with us.
Also I started a modified juice fast today. I had decided a week or so ago that it was time to revisit the beautiful world of juicing, but my projection was to begin on or around the first of January 2009. After finding myself lured back into a cook food cocoon (more like a fetal position) last night from holiday dining debauchery, I decided today would be as good of a day as any to get my system back to a alkalized, harmonized, hydrated, and regenerated state. I've had some great juices so far today and a blended smoothie with avocado just now. I won't be following the juice feasting protocol to the letter as I did earlier this year when I completed my 92 days. This time I am doing a personal experiment to see if I can add in just a bit more fats and fiber while still reaping many of the same benefits I did while I was adhering to a much more rigid program. Bottom line....I'd like to get things fine tuned as well as dropping any extra accumulated weight, but with a little liquid variety. (And no, I don't mean vodka.)
While I was collecting my thoughts and preparing to create a video explaining a bit more on juice feasting and why one would want to engage in such a practice, I found this informative snippet from the handsome Burke Bryant: