jalapeño corn tortilla chips
3 cups fresh corn, from about 3 ears (or use frozen, thawed sweet corn)
1 1/2 cup red or orange bell pepper
1/2 cup onion
3/4 cup flax seeds
1/2 cup hemp seeds, optional
1 tbs fresh lime juice
1 – 2 jalapenos, seeds removed
1/2 tsp chili powder
2 tsp cumin
2 tsp sea salt
- In a food processor, chop the corn, bell pepper, and onion until smooth. Add the remaining ingredients and process until just combined.
- Using an offset spatula, spread the dough thinly onto three 14 inch Teflex lined dehydrator trays. Dehydrate at 115 degrees for 6 – 8 hours, or overnight. Flip the sheets over onto the tray and carefully peel away the liners. Break or cut w/ a pizza cutter into chip shapes. Place back in the dehydrator for 4 – 6 hours, or until crisp. Store in an airtight container for a week or two.
1 qt. orange juice w/ spirulina
1 quart green lemonade
1 qt. pineapple, cilantro, parsley, red bell pepper, cucumber, lemongrass, thai pepper, coconut water, flax oil, lime juice.
1 qt. master cleanse.
Yes, these chips are fab! I love corn chips and having a raw version is great for me since I love to sit down with a bowl full of chips, salsa and guacamole. :)
Mmm these sound divine,
I will definately be trying these once I am done with the juice feast.
You are just lovely :)
xo Dea
Thanks for the corn chips recipe :-)
You are amazing for even being able to think about such things on a juice feast!
Penni you're such a sweetie to send Bunny Berry a care package :)
I have a question about the corn chips: do you grind the flax seeds first? The ones in Bunny's video looked super fine and crispy, which makes me think that perhaps the flax is mixed in once it's already a fine flour?
Do you use the RFRW grawnola recipe? I do, I use cherries and raspberries for the fruit and it disappears in days here :)
lots of love to you, with ONLY 9 DAYS TO PRUNE DAY!!! xxx
Just catching up on your blog. You are sooooo sweet to send Bunny all those treats! I love the recipes from RFRW too, but I've never tried the corn chips. I will have to try them soon!
Thoughts and prayers for your family. I hope things are getting better.
Pixy Lisa
I have had your chips and they are the bestest in the freakin world. I will pay you one million peso for a bag. Please. PLEASE!!!!!
All is now right with the world...
These are so in the dehydrator right now!
I'm going to Pure Food and Wine this Thursday! I just made my reservation and I am completely stoked! Solid food finally after 30 days, and such amazing solid food too. Still, I'm even more impressed you've made 85 days now. The finish line is in sight!
I just made these last night! I will definitely have to double the batch next time (re: they're almost gone)! We ate them with a mango-pineapple salsa: so amazing and light! Thanks so much, Penni, for sharing these with us -- And in kind to LouLou's question, I made them with whole flax, but I think I will grind them next time to give a finer, crisper chip texture. Thanks so much for your amazing blog and recipes!
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