Thursday, September 2, 2010

Dave the Raw Food Trucker

The following is a public statement regarding the condition of Dave the Raw Food Trucker, written last night by his dear friend, Tresa:

"Hello Everyone,

Today I have some difficult, personal news to share with you. Dave is in the hospital. He has had a stroke, and possibly a heart attack. The encouraging news is that he's progressing well. None-the-less, we'd appreciate any prayers, healing energy and positive thoughts you can send his way at this time.

I suspect that you're probably just as shocked about this event as Dave and I were... So, I really want to explain "why" this occurred. Sadly, we've already encountered wild speculation from people, so, I want to clarify that, contrary to erroneous assumptions, this situation was not caused by the Raw Food Diet nor Juice Feasting; That's simply NOT the case.

I also want you to know that Dave is strong in his resolve to heal fully! And he remains true to his belief in Live Foods. In fact, he politely refused to eat hospital food; I watched as he calmly stated to doctors & staff that he would gladly fast on water before touching ANY food from the hospital that wasn't "live, organic and vegan." He has repeatedly affirmed that he will NOT be changing his raw food diet, nor his juicing habits. The doctors have thus agreed to allow him to have raw foods & juice at the hospital. Luckily we located a natural & raw food retailer near by called "Natures Food Market & Juice Bar." They've been such a BLESSING! I've been picking up fresh juice & food there each day for Dave.

Here's the truth of the matter: Dave has had a heart condition called Atrial Fibrillation for MANY YEARS, which made him a high-risk candidate for stroke! (This has been his situation since before he became Raw, Organic and Vegan!) In fact, the one final prescription medication he's mentioned still taking, was for that very condition.

Also remember, Dave was morbidly obese for over 23 years, which placed a huge strain on his heart. Medical practitioners have told us that it can take 7 years or more to heal the circulatory system, and reverse the plaque build-up in his arteries. To add insult to injury, several situations occurred recently (not related to his diet) which, Dave believes may have also increased his risk.

And, as if all of this wasn't difficult enough, Dave has now discovered that, due to Department of Transportation Regulations, he will NOT be able to return to work for the next 6 months! Additionally, he'll be undergoing physical therapy & rehabilitation. This is a hugely unexpected change of plans, which has Dave feeling some concern.

Many people have already graciously asked if and how they can assist financially. This has prompted me to reach out, on behalf of Dave, to any of you who wish to compassionately contribute to his recovery. This is the first time in Dave's life where he finds himself "in need" of financial help from others, rather than in the position to "help others"... and it's an uncomfortable new position for him, to say the least.

If you feel compelled to help Dave during this financially difficult period, please go to the link below and give your gracious gift. You need not be a Paypal subscriber to use this service, it will work with any credit card. This service will be active for at least the next six months so that you can make one-time, weekly or monthly contributions... and the funds are made available to Dave immediately.

Click on, or copy and paste, this payment link into your browser to make an online gift contribution:
Or, if you prefer to send a check or money order, make it payable to: Dave Conrardy. Please clearly note "Gift for Dave's Stroke Recovery" on the check, and send it to:

Dave Conrardy/The Raw Food Trucker
P.O. Box 544
Auburn Washington 98071

On a happier note, Dave should be out of the hospital soon, we will host the 2nd Annual
International Day of Juice Feasting on September 12th in Seattle as planned! He looks forward to seeing you there LIVE or via the web- cast if you're not local! (info is available at: (

I'll keep you up-to-date on Dave's progress, and we'll also be posting a video with details about this entire experience soon. Please keep Dave in your thoughts & prayers. Your generosity of spirit is so greatly appreciated.

Until we speak again, wishing you wellness and blessings,

Tresa (aka: Beauty, Elegance & Grace)

(on behalf of Dave The Raw Food Trucker)

To watch/listen to Dave's incredible story of transformation, click here. To sign up for Dave's newsletter, go here. Any messages that you would like to be shared with Dave, please feel free to leave in the comments below. I will make sure Dave will receive each well wish and note of love & concern.