Friday, September 3, 2010

Sunday Evening Candlelight Vigil For Dave

Hello Everyone!

I had the opportunity to speak with both Dave and Tresa at length last night on the phone. I want to share that Dave is absolutely blown away by your comments on yesterday's video. The well wishes, prayers and heart-felt love you all are sharing is just what the doctor ordered! He wanted me to be sure to tell you how much all of this means to him and that he will be following everyone's comments here as we move forward.

The best news that has happened today is that Dave has been officially released from the hospital (after 10 days) and now he can begin the next leg of his deep healing journey!

After last night's call, I came away with a couple of thoughts that I want to share with you. I asked what the most pressing needs were at this time and how we as a community can best support his continued healing, and here is what I came up with:

The first thing is that I feel it would be very beneficial to hold a 24 hour corporate prayer/candlelight vigil in honor of Dave. Dave was extremely touched by this idea and would be so honored by our support to him in this way. The plan is that each one of us who feel lead to do so will pause at dusk this coming Sunday evening (September 5th) and pray and/or send our well wises and healing energy to Dave. I also would ask for each one of you to light a candle, for Dave at that time. I show you the candle I will be burning through the night in the above video.

During this time of prayer and sending up of our intentions, we want to ask for our Creator's perfect will to be done in Dave's life. I personally will be praying for a 100% physical recovery. I propose that we also ask for all of Dave's financial needs to be met over the days and months to come. These really are are the 2 most urgent concerns as I see it.

I hope you will take this idea and run with it. Please promote this time of prayerful support on your blogs, on Facebook, on Twitter or on YouTube. Let's come together as a unified community on Dave's behalf.

Also, if you have an thoughts or creative ideas on how we can fund-raise for Dave at this time, please share your ideas in the comment below. I have a couple of good ones that I have rolling around in my head, but I KNOW as a team we can really hit this ball out of the park.

One small thing I am starting with is that I am donating 100% of the proceeds of any sale of my book Real Juice Daily to Dave's Recovery Fund throughout this Labor Day weekend (now throughout Monday night).

So that's all for today's update. If you have any questions or additional thoughts, we would LOVE to hear from you in the comments. Much love to you all!