Friday, September 10, 2010

International Day of Juice Feasting - THIS SUNDAY!

This Sunday, September 12th from Noon to 4 pm PST, a spectacular event will be taking place all over the world. This will be the second annual event to honor of the tremendous work that Dr. Gabriel Cousens and the staff of the Tree of Life Rejuvenation Center in Patagonia, Arizona have contributed to the world in the research and development of healing through the practice of juice feasting.

This event was created and spearheaded by Dave the Raw Food Trucker last year and hundreds of people joined together for this first annual Day of International Juice Feasting in Seattle, Washington. It was a standing room only affair and you can check the video coverage of that out here. I had a number of my Raw Food Rehab Seattle Posse in attendance and I suspect we'll have even more peeps representing in the house for this year's celebration.

This year's event has expanded and it will include special guest speakers who are considered experts in the protocol of juice feasting: Matt Monarch, Angela Stokes-Monarch and Elaina Love are just a few of the featured speakers. Both Dave & Tresa will be there to introduce other amazing speakers whose stories of healing and rejuvenation are sure to inspire and delight you. If you are in the Seattle area, please check out the details, as this year's event will be held at the Laughing Ladies Cafe in Shoreline, Washington. You can get more information on this by visiting the main website that was created specifically for this event.

If you are not in the Seattle area, no problem! Just like last year, this event will be streaming live on Be sure to get signed up there so you can join in with people from all across the globe for this epic event. Click here to get plugged in. This is an awesome feature for those of us who want to support Dave and this event but aren't able to travel to be there in person.

You may want to take it a step further and host your own house party or get together with friends and celebrate health on this particular day. The idea is to drink low glycemic juices or smoothies for as long as you feel you need to. You may want to commit to joining with many of us for this one day of juice feasting or you may want to plan for a longer period of time, either leading up to this date or starting on the 12th. Juice feasting gives your body a chance to rest, heal, recuperate, and get back on track. You can learn more about juice feasting by checking out the information that's up at RFR's Liquid Lounge.

Hope to "see" you this Sunday!