Last year's Global Juice Feast ran from March 1st through June 5th and because last year's event was such a success internationally, David & Katrina Rainoshek are launching 2009's Global Juice Feast, with today as the kick off! As you all already know, I began my juice cleanse on March 1st and plan to go through the end of the month, so it feels great to have the added momentum and community excitement in the air. GlobalJuiceFeast is a free forum where you can join other feasters, and JuiceFeasting is where to go for much more detailed information and education on juice feasting. I highly recommend the Rainoshek's site and found the information there invaluable along my personal journey with juice. If you're juicing right now please join me on GJF. On the educational site, I have a full year membership because I want access to all of the high quality information and training even when I'm not juicing exclusively. There are different options, but you can choose from a 30, 60, 100, or 365 Day Membership. For more information please click on the Juice Feasting link on the right side of my blog.