Tuesday, March 3, 2009

Juicing & Supplements

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Today I talk about supplements and juicing. One thing I didn't mention is that it's a good idea to get at least a tablespoon of oil into your juices or smoothies daily, if you're doing a cleanse. I prefer flax, hemp or cold pressed extra virgin olive oil. Our bodies need a bit of fat and one tbsp. daily while cleansing will help keep things in balance and lubricated.

March always seems like a great time to cleanse and then, on the 3rd, I realize it's my best friend's birthday. It happened last year....a big dinner party, decadent chocolate cake and there I sat, pursed lipped, demurely sipping tea. It was a rough night, but I made it through. And I'll make it through again tonight as I work my way down that narrow staircase to the Cellar Dweller Bar to celebrate with my dear friend, Western. It's also my brother-in-law's birthday - Favored Uncle Larry lives in Salt Lake City and I miss him, Debbie, Ryan and Little Ned to pieces. Happy Birthday, boys.....surely you know I love you!

Today's Daily Juice:

1.5 quarts of grapefruit/spirulina
1.5 quarts spinach/celery/cucumber/beet/carrot and garlic
not sure what I'll drink next (or if I will), but for now I'm just sloshing about, making food for the family. (Pray to baby Jesus that I won't give in to the evil temptation of vodka tonight.)

How was your day today?