Sunday, March 1, 2009

March Juice Madness

Real Food Tulsa Juice Crew

Today was the first of day of March's juicy adventure! I've been so amazed at all of the support and comradeship that I've found since I announced that I was going to embark on a month of juice. There have been friends from around the globe who have chimed in to share that they are also going to get their juice on during this month of early spring cleaning. Some people are committed to juicing, while others are doing a green smoothie challenge and then there are others who are committing to a renewed dedication to a raw food diet as means of cleansing and rejuvenating.

This afternoon I had the pleasure of meeting with a group of Tulsans who are getting in on the juicing momentum. We had a great time of sharing and mutual support. I feel so fortunate and blessed to have found this kind of community, accountability partners and friends. I've heard from a few others that they'll be joining us next week, so if you're in the Tulsa area, please join us in the juice bar at Whole Foods at 3 pm on Sundays, throughout the month of March.

Yesterday I shopped for lots of produce with which to fill my counter top and refrigerator. I tried to focus on leafy greens, celery, cucumbers, lemons, limes, apples, grapefruits and oranges. I also picked up some golden and red beets and a 5 pound bag of carrots. Since I'm hoping to lose some unwanted winter pounds during this month, my plan is to go much lighter on the fruits and much heavier on the greens.

I'll start back at the gym tomorrow and will report on what I am able to accomplish there. I'll also weigh in on the scales there, since they are more accurate than those at home.


1 Quart - Orange/Grapefruit/Spirulina
1.5 Quart - Rainbow Chard/Celery/Cilantro/Cucumber/Tomato/Onion/Jalapeno/Lime/Sea Salt
1.5 Quart - Mixed Greens/Celery/Cuke/Granny Smith Apple/Lemon/Ginger

Tell me, how was your first day of March?