Wednesday, March 11, 2009

Penni Get's Personal - Day 11

Today Bunny Berry asked if I'd guest vlog on RawFu. Her husband's mother, Mama Berry, is in the hospital. Let's all pray that Basil's momma will be OK since her EKG and blood pressure weren't looking normal. Seriously, Lord, all our families are in need of some divine intervention. Can I get an Amen?

Bunny probably shouldn't have given me carte blanche to post another video, because today I end up talking about Girl Scout Cookies, juicing and poop. What a great trio, right?! Tomorrow I'll probably get the pink slip, but it's true, we all need to consider that whatever goes in, ultimately needs to come out!

Today's Daily Juice:
1.5 quarts: grapefruit/celery/orange/spirulina/chia seeds
tons of water, rooibos tea and a colonic
1.5 quarts: celery/spinach/escarole/beet/carrot/apple/lemon
(I really wanted to eat those girl scout cookies.....humph)

So tell me, seriously, how's your day been?