While at Raw Spirit Festival, I had the opportunity to meet and listen to lectures by some of the world's leading raw food pioneers, leaders and gurus. Many of them are highly respected and have contributed so much to this healing, deeply impactful lifestyle....but sadly, a few others left me feeling like I'd just been bamboozled by a smarmy sales pitch or even worse, completely disappointed by harshly cruel criticisms of others and over-inflated egos. Jeff isn't one of those raw food personalities that's drawn to the limelight, but I did watched him spend hour upon hour, talking with the public and giving away more products than any other vendor in attendance. People were deeply struck by his generosity and I heard many stories from loyal and satisfied customers from across the globe. I began to realize that Natural Zing is one of the raw food world's best kept secrets....at least in my neck of the woods.
So what is Natural Zing? First and foremost, they're a company that's dedicated to feeding your mind, body and spirit. Two decades of research and consulting with numerous nutritionists and vegetarian specialists have gone into gathering the very best products to develop one's natural energy and health....your natural zing! Long time staff members have been 90 - 100% raw foodists for many years and they are committed to helping those who are just beginning to transition, or others who are more advanced in this healthful lifestyle path.
Within Natural Zing's online market, they specialize in selling organic, raw, vegetarian and vegan foods as well as related chef tools and personal care products. Their equipment includes juicers, kitchen equipment and a variety of other products that meet the needs of various lifestyle and dietary choices. The website also has an Education link that takes you to health, lifestyle, vegetarian, living and raw food knowledge. Their health related book section takes you to abundant health and alternative knowledge resources that are updated regularly.
I have added a link to the Natural Zing online store at the right of this blog so you can go browse for yourself. I just placed my first order today and am looking forward to getting my Natural Zing on!!