Sunday, November 1, 2009

November Brings Fresh Opportunities

Now that we have the dreaded Halloween candy nearly behind us, it's a great time to think about real ways to create joyful deliciousness to our meals and celebratory occasions over the next two months. I've always loved the holidays, my cherished family recipes and all the festivities that are involved during this time of the year. However, since becoming a raw food enthusiast several years ago, I have also had challenges during these times of the year. Each year I found myself feeling conflicted, displaced, compromised and even sad during my most favorite time of the year. Dealing with these emotions certainly wasn't doing anything to promote better overall
health, so I made a decision to start moving in a new direction this year.

Instead of allowing dread, worry or guilt to work against me this year, I'm working to create ways to embrace the season, along with it's traditions AND it's foods. Recently I've been actively involved in recreating recipes and coming up with new ways to prepare foods that will satisfy, nourish and heal, along with maintaining a serious festiveness factor. As you read in my last post, Raw Food Rehab and I have just released an eBook called Raw For The Holidays, which is chocked full of great holiday and celebratory recipes to assist you in surviving and thriving during this time of the year. I'm so proud of the book, but it doesn't stop there.

I have also rolled out a new site, Raw For The Holidays, where I will be sharing ideas, recipes and holiday survival tips to help others, along with myself, make this the best November and December EVER! So many people dread the potential weight gain of the holidays and they feel weak and dis-empowered when they arrive to work to find the office loaded down with sweet treats that are so hard to resist. There is no time like the present to start getting prepared for success. It is fully within reason to become the example of what is possible, being the influencer, NOT the one who is being influenced with less than healthy dietary options at this time of the year.

I invite you to follow my new seasonal blog, Raw For The Holidays, and consider ordering the companion eBook, to help you as you plan for your most amazing and healthy holiday season ever!
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